Andrea deBoer-Jones
Children's Choir Conductor
Andrea deBoer-Jones (better known to her singers as Mrs. DJ) is an active music educator, choral clinician, choral and voice adjudicator, and musician. Over the past 20 years she has been the director of vocal music in several private schools across Ontario and Quebec. She has led choirs on stage at Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto; Centre in the Square, Kitchener; and River Run Centre, Guelph, and the Rogers Centre with the Raptors. She has traveled with choirs to Canadian, European and US destinations. Her choirs have performed with Kenny Rogers, K’Naan, Kurt Browning, Danielle Wade, AJ Bridel and many others. Currently, Andrea is the Choral Director at St. John’s Kilmarnock School in Breslau, and in her 15th season with the Grand Philharmonic Children’s Choir.
Mrs. DJ adjudicates across Canada for voice, choirs, and speech arts. As a vocal musician, she has performed and toured with the Elora Festival Singers. Andrea has been the musical director for many musical theatre shows, such as Shreck, Little Shop of Horrors, Guys and Dolls, and numerous MTI junior shows. Recent musical theatre roles include Sally (Cabaret), and the Baker’s Wife (Into the Woods).
A passionate music educator, Mrs. DJ has conducted workshops for both the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) and the Ontario Music Educator’s Association (OMEA) for teachers additional qualifications courses and general classroom teachers teaching music. She holds specialist degrees in music for both elementary and secondary levels and has been a frequent clinician for choral programs in the private sector.