Musical skills with Carol Bauman: Saturday January 18 2025, 1-3pm, Conrad Grebel Chapel
A workshop designed to build the musical skills for choral singers in a unique and tangible way. Engage with the philosophies of Dalcroze and embodied music-making, and put them into practice as we focus on building the skills that can make choral singing exquisite (for example, musical phrasing, sensitive dynamics, and confident rhythms) – from a new perspective! Come ready to learn, and ready to move! This workshop will be facilitated by Greer Schatz and led by Carol Bauman. Carol is a percussionist, music educator, retired musical skills instructor at WLU and UW, and overall warm and wonderful human who loves to bring joy and discovery to the learning process.
Carol has been teaching and performing for over 45 years. In the last 10 years, her interests in rhythm and musicianship have been developing through the study of Dalcroze Eurhythmics. Carol hopes that bringing experiences in music, movement, and improvisation to people of all ages will help others understand music in new ways.
Cost is $10 (free for high school and university students)
Registration is required. To register, click here.
If you have questions, please contact Greer at