The Grand Philharmonic Choir has replaced all tickets and stubs in its fall raffle with new, bright yellow substitute tickets and stubs.

This was required after some of the original tickets and stubs were stolen in mid-September. A report was made to police.

The correct tickets are yellow. with the word NEW on the stub.
The correct raffle licence number is 761897.

Please do not purchase any other raffle tickets with Grand Philharmonic Choir’s name on them. The previous raffle was cancelled after its integrity was compromised.

On the advice of the City of Kitchener, we recalled all the outstanding tickets and stubs, cancelled the old raffle, re-applied for a new license and are now running a new raffle with the yellow tickets. The prizes are the same and so are the draw dates, with the main prize draw being Monday, December 9th.

If you have any questions, please be in touch with Luisa D’Amato, executive director, at

© 2022 Grand Philharmonic Choir