Choir Staff
Ian VanderBurgh
Collaborative Pianist, Grand Philharmonic Choir
Anna Ronai
Collaborative Pianist, Grand Philharmonic Youth Choir

Sonia Kagolovskaya
Collaborative Pianist, Grand Philharmonic Children's Choir
Howard Dyck
Artistic Director Emeritus
In Memoriam
Daniel Durksen
GPC Accompanist 1985-2018
Choir Administrative Staff
Emily Burnett
Administrative Assistant and Children and Youth Coordinator
James McDevitt
CMA, Bookkeeper
Board of Directors
The board of the Grand Philharmonic Choir meets monthly to govern the family of choirs. Board members are elected to serve three-year terms by members of the choir community, which convene each year for an annual general meeting.
Board chair Ken Seiling led the Region of Waterloo as its top elected official for 33 years. A lifelong resident of Elmira, he was a teacher and director of the Wellington County Museum and Archives before entering municipal politics. He was mayor of Woolwich Township before becoming chair of Waterloo regional council, a position he held from 1985 until 2018, During that time, he was a consensus-builder who championed policies that limit urban sprawl. He took leadership roles at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, has advised the province’s review of regional governments, and has received many honours. The Ken Seiling Waterloo Region Museum is named after him. Ken is a lifelong supporter of the arts and a skilled church musician and choir leader.
Other directors:
Holly Manning, vice-chair
Nancy Regehr, past-chair and secretary
David Taylor, treasurer
Rachel Behling
David Imrie
Wendy Imrie
Dorothee Retterath
Lishni Salgado
Sean Simpson
Beverly Suderman-Gladwell